
Tiër Holistic® Skin

Tiër Holistic® Skin will help your pet to improve skin and hair conditions, benefiting the health of his body.


6 reviews for Tiër Holistic® Skin

  1. Hugo Mendoza

    Este alimento le ayudo a mi perro con algunos problemas.

  2. Lisa Cortes

    Le quito la comezón y la descamación en la piel, ya no tiene los ojos rojos y su pelo brilla mucho. Además, las heces son duras formadas y huelen muy poco.

  3. Manuel Mosqueda

    Muy buen alimento. Compre Tier Skin debido a que mi cachorra se rascaba continuamente. El veterinario me sugirió tratar un alimento especial para estos casos. En Petco me sugirieron entre otros a Tier Skin. Lo seleccionamos por ser mexicano. Anteriormente le dábamos el alimento más caro/premium de Petco, hoy a tres semanas de haber cambiado a Tier Skin la mejora en su pelo ha sido notable, prácticamente no se rasca y el alimento lo devora en cada comida. Muy buen producto, y me da muchísimo gusto que sea MEXICANO. Lo seguiré utilizando.

  4. Hugo Mendoza

    This food helped my dog with some problems.

  5. Louise Cortes

    The food helped remove the itching and flaking on her skin, her eyes are no longer red and her hair is very shiny.
    Also, the stools are hard and smell very little

  6. Manuel Mosqueda

    Very good food. I bought Tier Skin because my pup was continually scratching. The vet suggested that I try a special food for these cases. At Petco they suggested Tier Skin among others. We selected him for being Mexican. Previously we gave her Petco’s most expensive / premium food, today three weeks after switching to Tier Skin the improvement in her hair has been remarkable, she practically does not scratch and the food devours her at every meal. Very good product, and I am very pleased that it is MEXICAN. I will continue to use it.

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